Hydraulically actuated, wet-running clutch-brake system with mechatronic closed-loop control
Pa.go enables the precise closed-loop control of clutch-brake units in large presses. While such control brings considerable benefits during normal operations, it also helps to counter the impact of changes in operating conditions like temperature, wear, oil leakage etc.
Self-sufficient hydraulically actuated clutch system
With COMPact – our new shifting clutch system – we have taken another step toward the future. The hydraulically actuated, wet-running clutch unit with flange connection, integrated oil supply, and hydraulic control can be installed on a ship as a ready-to-use compact unit.
Self-sufficient hydraulically actuated clutch system
With Prop.act – our new shifting clutch system – we have taken another step toward the future. The hydraulically actuated, wet-running clutch unit with shaft end connections on both sides, integrated oil supply and hydraulic control can be installed on a ship as a ready-to-use compact unit. A stand-by pump is additionally installed, that keeps the system self-contained at any time.